February 7, 2010

Weights and Measures

DSC_6889_mod Cole went for his 9-month check up last week, measuring 17 lb 2 oz (10%) and 28.5 in (50-75%) - up a pound and an inch from his last vist. We also learned he has an ear infection, which was the reason for a lingering runny nose/congestion :( That hasn't slowed him down much though - he's learned to sit, crawl, and pull himself up in the last month. He loves to grab anything in reach (e.g., Lauren's hair, a pair of sunglasses) and is quite squirmy when it's time to change his diaper or clothes. He has two teeth so far, and many on the way - what a drooler! He started day care last month, and continues to be a very happy baby - enjoying peek-a-boo, laughing with Lauren, and a good tickle.

1 comment:

penniem said...

Such a cute picture, but then he is such a cutie, that it would be hard to take a bad one!