August 9, 2012

Q & A

There is many a moment, when I ask the question 'Cole, do you have to go to the bathroom?' I usually ask when he's either 1) quite still, yet a little bit wriggly, or 2) hopping around like he's got ants in his pants. Here are some of the answers he's given me over the last couple months...

Q: Cole, do you have to go to the bathroom?

A: No, I'm just resting.
A: No, I'm just sliding.
A: No, I'm just dancing.
A: No, I'm just yawning.

And my personal favorite....

A: No, Mommy, I'm just smiling at you - that's not my poo-poo face.

August 4, 2012

We're Back....

DSC_0365_mod Back from the beach - had a blast (but still in need of a vacation....) Stay tuned for our 2012 SD favorites.