January 24, 2011

Swings & Slides

We checked out the playground out our local elementary school. Lauren had fun on the swings.

Cole loved the slides - the bigger the better.

The trip was cut short however, as Lauren announced she had to go the bathroom (despite having just gone about 30 min prior). No one was happy about leaving... But it will provide a good 'remember that time....' example, when anyone (aka Lauren) refuses to use the bathroom before going out :)

January 22, 2011


This is Lauren's signature drawing - a monster with numerous arms, legs, and antennae/antennas(?)

January 17, 2011

Language Explosion

Cole's been working hard on his vocabulary: Mon! (for come on - when he wants us to follow him), moo-sic (for music, to turn on the CD), Lo-Lo (for Lauren), Sis? (for 'What's this?'), See-see! (to show us something), o-gurt (for yogurt). But by far his favorite is 'sure'. Cole, would you like some milk? Sure. Can you get me my shoes? Sure. Shall I change your diaper? Sure. Well, you can imagine our surprise when Lauren asked, 'Cole, can I zip up your footsie PJs?' and he answered 'No way.' Ever since, instead of saying 'no' he says 'no way'....

January 14, 2011

Sew What?

A few weeks ago, Lauren learned the 'sewing work' at school. She has brought a few of these home so far, and I think soon I'll need her to take over my Christmas Advent calendar project which I fear I will never complete...

January 9, 2011


Poor little guy - not feeling well today, ever since nap time. Let's hope it's not this.....

January 8, 2011

Left Behind

Lauren, this morning at breakfast... 'Mommy, I'm not a crust-eater, but on sandwiches I eat my crusts." Apparently cinnamon toast doesn't make the cut.

January 5, 2011

Deja Vu

So just like last year, one kid was curious and the other fickle. Hence I got to join in once again. Cole was intrigued by the white felt 'snow' on the floor as well, and rolled around on it for a while prior to the picture.

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Too bad I'm the only one smiling :) Again, there's always next year....